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Jumat, 15 April 2011

maintaining oralI have arguments that are required to maintain oral. Because we can use them according to what Shariah, in the sunny and clear them firmly: 1. Hadith 'Adiy bin Hatim, agreed alaih Salam sallallaahu'alaihi Office Prophet said: ((مامنكممنأحدإلاسيكلمهاللهليسبينهوبينهترجمان. فينظرأيمنمنهفلايرىإلاماقدموينظرأشأممنهفلايرىإلاماقدموينظربينيديهفلايرىإلاالنارتلقاءوجهه. فاتقواالنارولوبشقتمرة)) (متفقعليه) مسلم of وزاد: ((ولوبكلمةطيبة)) "Any one of you, since it is (the Day of Resurrection), a translation that did not exist even between him and God, God will be invited to speak. He then his right look, then he do what he did, he looked to the left than meilihat if not, does not appear, except that he did. and then he was before him hell Unless, she was not looking forward to. because it is the fear of hell (the only berinfaq) / Date and a half! "(Al Bukhariy Islamic tradition no.1016 and no.6539) Are added in the history of Muslim: "Only the good word to say!" Which is described in another narration: عنعديبنحاتمقال: ذكررسولاللهصلىاللهعليهوسلمالنارفأعرضوأشاحثمقال: ((اتقواالنار)) ثمأعرضوأشاححتىظنناأنهكأنماينظرإليهاثمقال: ((اتقواالنارولوبشقتمرة, فمنلميجدفبكلمةطيبة)) From 'Adiy bin Hatim said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu': "you have fear of hell," and he, if he saw hell and turned back to the point we think he said He then said to alaihi or government Salam said of Hell: "Even the fear of hell (only berinfaq) and a good word (it), and (R) Do not Get! to date, with them "(al-Islam no.1417 and no.1016 of lore Bukhariy) 2. Abu Hurairah, Hadith agreed alaih Salam's office sallallaahu'alaihi Prophet said: ((منكانيؤمنباللهواليومالآخرفليقلخيراأوليصمت)) "Who believe in Allah, even less (words) or sounds, and shut up!" (Al Bukhariy no.6018 of lore and Muslim No. 47) The words of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi Salam office: "Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day anyone" refers to those who believe in perfect faith and who can be saved from' adzab God and His good to be submitted to Joy ", select (word) Shut up whether to pronounce!" she expects to pay his truth and believe in Allah will feel the fear of his threats, real people In order to execute his orders seriously a ban on him. In addition, it is important to him than all the arms and legs to keep it as responsible for what he did below. Allah is supreme as: {إنالسمعوالبصروالفؤادكلأولئككانعنهمسئولا} "Everything is really held accountable, hearing, sight and hearts" (Al-Israa ': 36) In addition, he says: {مايلفظمنقولإلالديهرقيبعتيد} (Calf: 18) "he was saying words that are not close to the director of the angel that is always present." Prophet of the risk of oral word as-Salam sallallaahu'alaihi government, and very ketergelinciran:
Materials at the upper right, ((وهليكبالناسفيالنارعلىمناخرهمإلاحصائدالسنتهم)) (Saheeh, human resources manager Mu'adh bin t, - Tirmidziy no.2616 in, Shahiihul Jaami '5 / 29 Please refer to the "mouth for oral, nasal hell on their results, at least people Do not drown? "- 30)) He knows that silence and never speak a good word to understand this, people believe he actually true faith is that God keeps his tongue. Some say ': "alaihi Hadith four Saramuurama Office tercabang a collection of manners that the words he sallallaahu are described in':" Those who believe in the Last Day Allah and anyone pronounce (words) as instead, or keep quiet! " Some 'scholars, explain the meaning of the hadeeth: what people say he's good and true, and if he should talk seems worthwhile, if you need to talk. If not then he should refrain from voice, whether it haraam, makruh that are not allowed. On this basis, it is permitted term was ordered to be abandoned or illegal purposes or for fear of falling into makruh, to refrain from it, this is what happened to most people It is recommended that. Allah (that) says: "not only words he was saying, there is a supervisor is always present near the Angel" (Qaf: 18) All that has not been recorded must be careful angel, or even acceptable, whether spoken by people who are associated with reward and punishment brings word 'Ulama is what is the difference? Please follow the second opinion Ibunabbasu other. This opinion and discussion about who are the noble meaning of the poem is a special character is a word associated with either reward or punishment of a response. Le said the author of a Ifshaah 'Syarhi Ma'aanish Shihaah, Ibn Hubairah: "the word of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi Salam Office:"! Or even to shut down (the word) is pronounced "mainstream more than the part that is not so much bad in the mainstream even something that says its good. It is" (word) may sound "prophet like The sallallaahu'alaihi attention than the words of the Sarum Office "or shut up! " Said that this hadeeth includes both: To provide instructions to Muslims to convey the teachings of Allah and His Messenger, based on science, Amar nahi ma'ruf munkar of the conflict and the lecture good stories for people to adjust to a man. And it is appropriate to say a word before the people feared the cruelty of his support and expectations, including the most important speech. (Please see Al Arba'iin Syarh Hadiitsan Hoi An - Nawawiyyah Page 47 - 50) Saidoaruimamuasshu - Shafi'i said: "The meaning of this Hadith is the first I think about it if you want to let someone talk. It appears or otherwise dangerous to him, he questioned firmly committed to (shut up) "(Syarh Shahiih 1 222 分の Muslim) resist (whether this includes whether the danger), he then seems to be at risk if you talk Hafiz on Ibunhajaru Saidoaru says: "The meaning of this Hadith, if you want to talk to someone before speaking, is that considered first. So he can talk but does not include damage or illegally distributed to makruh learn to talk from. even allowed to have survived with the words (Fasubari 149/13) and the word illegal is not allowed makruh brought. "and (it Do not pronounce), yet Similarly, Syarh Shahiih Muslim Al - Imamuan - Nawawiy the Ibn Rajab As I said, the conclusions say in words to convey the same: "It is commanded to speak to silence anything that is not as good words and good prophet or. "(Jaami'ul'Uluum Wal Hikam the hal.126) Qawaa'id to office, Minal Arba'iin Fawaa third said` al Nawawiyyah p.137 - 138 id please refer to 3. Abu al Bukhariy Hurairah narrated by Muslim Hadith Salam's office sallallaahu'alaihi Prophet said: ((إنالعبدليتكلمبالكلمةمنرضواناللهلايلقيلهابالايرفعاللهبهادرجات. وإنالعبدليتكلمبالكلمةمنسخطاللهلايلقيلهابالايهويبهافيجهنم)) "Bunt Indeed, the word the word really is he really he says that the word God hates did so said several times, the servant in fact, the key is (was), God will make it we did not pick up, with these words he was blessed by God has fallen into Jahannam, please consider it first. "(Narrated Al Bukhariy no.6478) In the history of Islam, the Prophet said Cheong Wa Salam sallallaahu'alaihi: ((إنالعبدليتكلمبالكلمةينزلبهافيالنارأبعدمابينالمشرقوالمغرب)) (رواهمسلم) وفيلفظله: ((إنالعبدليتكلمبالكلمةمايتبينمافيهايهويبهافيالنارأبعدمابينالمشرقوالمغرب)) "Certainly bunt, in fact, saying that the word entered the fire even more distance between his East and West." In other words: "Behold your servant, not really clear what benefit these words without saying a word, (but), he can fire more than the distance between East and West rushed. "but Muslims (Narrator 0.2988) 4. Abu Hurairah, the history of Muslim Hadith Salam's office sallallaahu'alaihi Prophet said: ((أتدرونماالغيبة)?) قالوا: اللهورسولهأعلم. قال: ((ذكركأخاكبمايكره)) قيل: أفرأيتإنكانفيأخيماأقول? قال: ((إنكانفيهماتقولفقداغتبته, وإنلميكنفيهفقدبهته)) "You know what gossip is" They said: "that Allah and His Messenger know well." He also said: "In other words, what you like about your brother did describe how. "Question:" What, my brother, my what you actually say that existed on these, "he answered:"? I see it, you say in it, that you ghibahnya that needs to be, for they have found that if you say, that is, it means that his lies have you "(by tradition. Muslim no.2589) 5. Hadith 'Abdullah bin' AMR is agreed alaih Salam's office sallallaahu'alaihi Prophet said: ((المسلممنسلمالمسلمونمنلسانهويده)) "Muslims are (good), language and hands safe from someone who is a Muslim" (Narrated Aruisuramu Bukhariy at No. 40 and No. 10) Hopefully, we can know by heart, but I just hope the pleasure of Allah, the Sunnah of the Prophet according to Salam sallallaahu'alaihi government to practice the above argument. Aamiin. Wallaahu knows best

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